"Music For All"
Andrew Hodges
Mastering Chaos: "The Musician's Way"
Andrew discusses how musical development throughout life has such a significant impact on our health, mental well-being and our general happiness. We not only benefit from creating it and making it, but we also develop skills which have benefits in other aspects of our life and work.
Mastering Chaos: The Musicians Way
Bowed String Instruments & Cognitive Development
Flow: In Music And Beyond
Being a leader isn't easy at the best of times...
The Four Musical States
Music Improvisation - A Peak Experience?
Decision-making, Intuition and Interoception
Improvisation, Chaos & Organisations
And When It's All Going So Badly...
How Good Does It Feel When Things Are Working Really Well?
Changing Business Culture - The Musician's Way
Leadership Styles & The Workplace Culture
"The Business of Improvisation - Just Firefighting?"
Haven't We Always Been Free?
"Music Does Not Exist"
Mind The Gap
Decision Making Over Time: "The Musician's Way"
Establishing Trust The Musician's Way
The Availability of Truth in Musical and Non-Musical Interactions